НС + Хилинг тач. /cast Nature's Swiftness
/cast healing touch
Если в цели враг - фигачит вразом, если дружественная - кастит регровс, если зажать "Alt", независимо от цели шёл каст регрова на себя
/cast [modifier:alt, target=player][help] Regrowth; [harm] Wrath
Иннервейт с анонсом
/cast innervate
/y "У %t много маны - ИННЕР"
На стун из любой позы, места и прочего. Катит естественно тем у кого есть чарж.
/cast [stance:1] feral charge
/cast [stance:1] bash
/cancelaura cat form
/cancelaura travel form
/cast [stance:0] dire bear (или просто bear если еще не 40 лвл)
естественно кнопку нужно спамить если вы не в медведе (из кошки например 3 раза надо нажать)
travel Form (sticky)
/cancelform [nostance:4]
/cast [nostance] Travel Form
{also: to make this spamable, remove "[nostance:4]" from the /cancelform line}
Travel Form / Aquatic Form (sticky)
/canceform [nostance:2, nostance:4]
/cast [nostance, swimming] Aquatic Form; [nostance, outdoors] Travel Form
{also: to make this spamable, remove "[nostance:2, nostance:4]" from the /cancelform line}
Travel Form / Aquatic Form / Mount (sticky)
/cancelform [nostance:2, nostance:4] [stance:4, nocombat]
/use [nostance, nomounted, outdoors, nocombat] <Your Mount Name>
/cast [nostance, swimming] Aquatic Form; [nostance, outdoors] Travel Form
{also: to make this spamable, remove "[nostance:2, nostance:4]" from the /cancelfrom line}
{also: to have more control over when you mount, add "modifier" inside the /use line condition list, and add "/dismount" to the top}
Flight Form (sticky)
/cancelform [nostance:5?6]
/cast [nostance] Flight Form
{also: to make this spamable, remove "[stance:5?6]" from the /cancelfrom line, where 5?6 is 5 or 6 depending on talent spec}
Flight Form / Travel Form / Aquatic Form (sticky)
/cancelform [stance:1/3] [stance:4, flyable, nocombat]
/cast [nostance, swimming] Aquatic Form; [nostance, flyable, nocombat] Flight Form; [nostance, outdoors] Travel Form
{also: if you have Moonkin Form or Tree of Life, replace "[stance:1/3]" with "[stance:1/3/5]"}
{also: for spamming, remove "[stance:1/3]" from the /cancelform line}
{also: for spamming only while flying (for quick descent), add "[stance:5?6, nocombat]" to the /cancelform line}
{note: this will take you out of Travel Form if you are in Outland and not in combat so that you can shift into Flight Form}
Flight Form / Travel Form / Aquatic Form / Mount (sticky)
/canceform [stance:1/3] [stance:4, nocombat] [stance:5?6, noflying, nocombat]
/use [nostance, outdoors, noflyable, nocombat] <Your Ground Mount Name>; [nostance, flyable, nocombat] <Your Flying Mount Name>
/cast [nostance, swimming] Aquatic Form; [nostance, flyable, nocombat] Flight Form; [nostance, outdoors] Travel Form
{also: if you have Moonkin Form or Tree of Life, replace "[stance:1/3]" with "[stance:1/3/5]"}
{also: for spamming, remove "[stance:1/3]" from the /cancelform line}
{also: for spamming only while flying (for quick descent), remove "noflying" from the end of the /cancelform line}
{also: for more control when mounting, add "modifier" inside the /use line condition list, and add "/dismount" to the top}
{note: this will take you out of Travel Form if you are in Outland and not in combat so that you can shift into Flight Form}